Guidelines for Training Restaurant Servers

Guidelines for Training Restaurant Servers

Regardless of a restaurant's size or style, the serving staff represents the face of every dining establishment. These individuals have the most face time with your customers during their visit, and positive interactions can go a long way to ensuring those same patrons return. Hiring the right employees for the job from the start is always ideal, but the introduction of a structured server training program can pay huge dividends for your business.

Server Training

By putting some thought and effort into a restaurant training program, you can immediately emphasize your workplace culture for every new hire and lower the turnover rate for your business. The following guidelines for restaurant server training will help you establish an effective, knowledgeable staff.

Click below to learn how to train restaurant servers:
  1. Create a Server Handbook
  2. Hold a Server Orientation for All New Hires
  3. Set Goals for Server Training
  4. Cross Train Your Servers
  5. Shadow an Experienced Server
  6. Hold a Menu Tasting
  7. Perform Testing and Roleplay
  8. Ongoing Training
  9. Create Incentives

1. Create a Server Handbook

restaurant server presenting a wine bottle to seated guest

If you don’t have an employee handbook yet, it’s a good idea to get one created. This restaurant training manual will serve as an important resource for new hires learning how to be a server as well as the rest of your established server staff. Provide a handbook to every server and keep one or two copies in the restaurant so anyone can reference it in times of need. A server training manual should include the following:

2. Hold a Server Orientation for All New Hires

As a busy restaurant owner, it can be tempting to skip this step or delegate it to your managers. However, holding an orientation to meet your new servers face-to-face goes a long way to building a workplace culture that improves employee retention in the long run. These are some topics that you can discuss:

3. Set Goals for Server Training

By setting training goals, you can create a standard that you'd like all servers to meet. This ensures that your program is consistent and every server gets the same level of restaurant training.

4. Cross Train Your Servers

plated sandwich on a kaiser roll and a cup of hot tea

Cross training with other employees provides valuable insight into how a particular restaurant operates. Before new servers start working with your waitstaff training team, it can be very helpful to have them train with some other key positions first.

5. Shadow an Experienced Server

Before completing the training program, your new servers should perform a few shadowing sessions with your most experienced servers. You can designate a certain number of required training sessions, or rely on your trainer's judgment as to how many are needed. During these sessions, the new server is essentially an assistant and any of the tips that are earned go to the trainer. The trainer should go over the following topics:

6. Hold a Menu Tasting

One of the best parts about server training is trying out the menu items. Servers can't answer questions or make recommendations if they've never tasted the food. At the conclusion of server shadowing, the trainer should sit down and do a menu tasting with the new server(s). This is a great time to sample a variety of the most popular food items, go over the most commonly asked menu questions, and discuss allergen information. It's also a celebratory moment because training is almost complete.

Even the most descriptive of menus still require clarification from time to time, and your wait staff should be as familiar as possible with the menu. The best serving staff should be able to not only explain in detail each menu item, but also provide suggestions, recite any daily specials with ease, and answer a customer's questions.

7. Perform Testing and Roleplay

restaurant table with written tests at each seat

The last step before a new server can work independently is to pass a final test. For some restaurants, this test might be very lengthy if there is a lot of memorization involved, as with extensive wine or beer lists.

8. Ongoing Training

Several of these guidelines, such as your restaurant layout and the menu, may change over time, so it's important to use all of these teaching points as part of ongoing training sessions for all your servers. By implementing an ongoing training program, you have the opportunity to increase productivity, update policies to comply with new industry regulations, and improve job satisfaction in a work area that's often high in employee turnover. You can get a little help with ongoing training by integrating a digital app like Connecteam, which allows you to communicate with your teams, manage schedules, and streamline tasks.

Some specific things to make part of long-term training include:

9. Create Incentives

Make sure your serving staff stays engaged by offering incentives for performance. You can reward servers that participate in ongoing training sessions with free meals, preferred parking spots, or raises. Keep track of server wins like the highest alcohol or appetizer sales and give out a gift card to the winner each week. There are many ways to incentivize performance and create a fun work environment to help you retain your best employees.

Single-event training can often be forgotten or seem overwhelming for a new employee on the first day. By creating and following a detailed training program, you can set your new employees up for mutual success. Ongoing training allows employers to evaluate and follow up effectively to get the most out of their staff. This type of restaurant server training can help propel your operation to the next level of professional, award-winning service.

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