Congratulations on considering applying to the University of California! Tens of thousands of students apply to the UCs each year (approximately 170,000 first-time freshmen applied last fall), so the UC admissions is definitely a large-scale process. Because so many applications are submitted, it can be difficult to adjust your application information after submission. Getting it right the first time will ensure that your applications are fully processed and that each school has the correct information on file for you from the start.
While many parts of the UC application are self-explanatory or provide clarifying instructions, some tend to trip up students. Something as simple as mistyping your date of birth or accidentally clicking that you are not a California resident can cause a headache down the line in order to correct this information. This guide is intended to share common mistakes that we see students make each year, so hopefully, you can avoid them when applying to the UCs.
The following “tips” are organized in the order that they appear on the application. You can follow along with this guide as you fill out your application, or use it to double-check your responses before you submit. If and when you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact your high school academic advisor or counselor, or UC Admissions at or (800) 207-1710.
About You: “Citizenship and Residency” Section
This section is used in a variety of ways, including determining California residency for tuition purposes. California residents have cheaper tuition than non-California residents, so you want to make sure that you complete this section accurately.
About You: “Demographics” Section
The race and ethnicity categories on the UC application are connected to the categories used by the US Department of Education and the US Census, and may not directly reflect how a student self-identifies.
About You: “Your Household” Section
If you have access to your parent/guardian’s 2022 taxes, you can use the “Total income” number, which is line 7b on the 2022 1040 tax form.
If you don’t have your tax forms, you can answer this question just by adding all of the people supported by the income you listed, including yourself. This number does not have to be the same as the number of people living in your home- you should not include people living with you who are not supported by your parent/guardian’s income.
About You: “Parent Information” Section
Campuses and Majors: “Choose Majors” Section
If you have questions about what major to choose, you should talk to your high school counselor, or you can call or email the UC admission office or major department to get more information. For example, if I was interested in nursing at UCLA, but am unsure whether to apply to the nursing major because it is impacted, I could talk to my counselor, the UCLA admissions office, or the UCLA nursing department.
When you apply to the UC, your GPA is recalculated to include your A-G classes. It is important that you provide the correct information so that your GPA can be calculated correctly. We advise having a copy of your transcript available while you fill this out. If you have any questions about how to complete this section, you should contact your high school counselor or academic advisor.
For 11th grade, you will have options for “Credit (CR),” “No Credit (NC),” Pass (PS),” and “No Pass (NP)” to represent grades during the Spring. For courses that only meet for part of the year, you can put “NO” for the parts of the year when you did not have that course. For courses during the current grading period, you can put “IP” for “In Progress.” For future grading periods, you can put “PL” for “Planned.”
Some questions to consider when deciding whether to complete this section are: Were there any courses that I was unable to take for a reason out of my control (i.e. prevented by school policy or administrators, lack of transportation to a class after regular school hours, course not offered at your school, etc.)? Does my transcript accurately reflect my academic ability? Were their obstacles out of my control that negatively affected my academic performance?
Test Scores Section
Activities & Awards Section
When adding activities and awards, there may be some activities that can fit in multiple spaces. For example, if you are a Boys and Girls Club member, but also volunteer as a tutor for elementary school students at your Boys and Girls Club, this activity could fit as both an extracurricular activity and community service activity. It is okay to add activities like this in multiple categories, especially if it will give you the opportunity to provide a more in-depth description of your different roles.
Some students have trouble estimating their hours/week and weeks/year for their activities. It can be helpful to know the total number of weeks in your school year (often 36 weeks/year for schools with Monday-Friday school weeks in CA) as well as the total number of weeks in a year (52). If the hours of involvement vary throughout the year, we sometimes suggest calculating the hours spent during a busy week and those spent during a non-busy week and then averaging those to get a more accurate number for estimated hours/week.
Before you start adding descriptions, we HIGHLY encourage you to draft them in a separate document. Then, you can edit and finalize your descriptions there without worrying about whether they will be saved in the UC application (sometimes the application crashes, and that could mean a lot of lost work if you write directly in the application…). You can also reuse these descriptions in the future for other applications, like the Common App or scholarship applications.
Scholarships & Programs Section
Personal Insight Section
As with the activities and awards section, we highly recommend that you type these responses in a separate document first, and then copy and paste your final versions into your application.
Given the COVID-19 pandemic, this would be a great space to provide context to your COVID-19 experience, especially if you believe that it is relevant to your college application.
Review and Submit Section
If you do not qualify for UC fee waivers but you do have 2 College Board fee waivers, you can pay by mail, and can include your College Board fee waivers via mail, along with a check if you apply to more campuses. If you did not receive UC fee waivers but believe that you should be eligible for them, you can first check your household income section to make sure your information is correct, and can then apply for fee waivers using the instructions in the “Review and Submit” section. Typically, the fee waiver application can take 7-10 days to be processed by the UC.
By: Breakthrough San Juan Capistrano and Let’s Go To College CA